Well, here we are... Another Blog
Well, here we are... Another Blog
Another day, another blog. It's not like there's a shortage of software developers sharing their thoughts and experiences on the internet, but what the heck, I'll throw my hat into the ring too.
So, welcome to my little blog. I'm Grafnus and I'm working full time as a Technical Manager. In my free time I like to work on different projects like programming Minecraft server plugins and playing on a small server that a few friends and I have setup (as well as other things outside of Minecraft, of course). All my plugins have the goal to improve the players experience and extend on the vanilla gameplay! Therefore I design my plugins in a way that allows for as much immersion as possible.
The overall Goal
Minecraft is a game with unlimmited possibilities. You can build huge buildings, invent new redstone circuits, decorate to you heart's content, battle other players and so much more. But as many of you probably know, at some point most lose interest. That leaves most Survival-Multiplayer-Servers (SMPs) empty.
To counteract this, my plugins and some of my blog posts aim to provide opportunities and ideas to extend the Minecraft experience bejond the vanilla gameplay. My main focus is on developping open source software (Grafnus OpenSourceSoftware (OSS)) with full access to the software and all CI/CD (Guthub Actions) software builds. But that does not mean that support will always be free, but only time will tell.
This Blog
Over the past few years I've come accross a few challenges, noticed some wierd solution from other developers and got some interessting ideas. I plan to formulate them into blog posts in order for me to structure and archive them for me. Maybe at some point someone will find anything I wrote interessting, maybe not. You can understand this blog as a developers diary of some sort.
If you have any sort of criticism or questions feel free to reach out to me. I'll happily start a discussion with you.
What is coming next?
I honestly don't have any idea what will be the next blog post. Maybe something about extending the vanilla gameplay of Minecraft? ;D